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MLJ Coaching International
THE END RESULT of a 90-day goal
The End Result...
Strategy #2 in my business strategies training programs includes a 90-day goals sheet: 21 goals in 90 days, comprising 3 goals in each of 7 categories.
Domenic's first-ever 90-day goals sheet included:
Start a Family
Simple as that!
10 months and a few days later Joseph presented himself healthily and happily to the Mattina family.
In order for Domenic to become the father he wants to be it took constant focus on:
- Identifying what the next steps were along the way;
- Taking those steps consistently & persistently;
- Changing the way things are done around here, in the business and in his personal habits.

What other types of goals do our mechanical, electrical, plumbing, heating, building, masonry, etc. contractor-clients focus on in our
- 7 Simple Strategies 4 Success, a.k.a. Trade-Contractors' Business Training;
- Trade-Contractors' Business Intensive;
- Trade-Contractors' Business College;
- Trade-Contractors' Business Mastery?
Goals such as:
- Starting a family;
- Growing the family;
- Building a dream retreat location;
- Moving the business out of the home;
- Expanding the business space;
- Creating a niche service;
- Getting inventions to market;
- Dramatically increasing profits;
- Getting the fun back;
- Dramatically increasing vacation time;
- Custom-building RETIREMENT so it's ready for you to take it long before you're apt to be ready for it;
- What would you like? DARE TO DREAM IT and watch it materialize ... if you put it into your 90-day goals and receive PROPER SUPPORT.
Simple as that!
Promising you, too,
RETIREMENT ... on your terms!
'Cause that's what it's all about.
An interviewer talked to Prada, Louis Vuitton and Holt Renfrew
The WORST economy ever!!
In a recent coaching session a long-term electrical contracting client said:
"People talk about the economy. An interviewer talked to Prada, Louis Vuitton, Holt Renfrew and all their shops had their best year EVER this year; and 2010 was next best.
I can sit here and mimic their words ... yet they're talking about today being the worst economy ever!"
Can you say these words? That your best 2 years ever were 2011 and 2010?
Would you like 2012 and 2013 to be your best years yet?
Have you ever heard yourself say ...
"We're struggling because
- of the economy,
- it's hard to find good people,
- there just aren't enough hours in the day
- or anything else, for that matter?
If you are struggling in your business it's for 1 reason and 1 reason only:
Because your business wants to grow and
you are struggling to keep it small.
This client, whose quote from a recent coaching session above, had all of those struggles ... and he became aware ... painfully aware, at times ...
that he was struggling to keep his business small.
Allow your business to grow, under your control, of course, and you will find
- that there is a very healthy economy out there for your business;
- good people simply show up at your door - literally!
- you have more time off than ever before ... and a lot more money to enjoy your time off!
- Say YES to the IDEAS and OPPORTUNITIES that come to you.
- Take immediate action by taking that first step.
- Continue to take consistent & persistent steps forward ... all the way to your RETIREMENT custom-built by you for you!
You, too, will reach FREEDOM ... in however you describe freedom ... much sooner than you can possibly imagine today.
Are you interested in seeing some of the opportunities you're missing right now as you read this newsletter?
Then register today for a one-time, no-strings-attached, no-ongoing coaching required, Business Analysis Consultation with me.
Read the breakdown on it here and if it speaks to you, simply register for it right there on the website.
Make sure you take a look at my guarantee ... and make sure you hold me to the guarantee.
Promising you, too,
RETIREMENT ... on your terms!
'Cause that's what it's all about.
How to get the most out of your next conference or training session
'Tis the Season ... Here's how to get the most out of it!!
I delivered 4 seminars last week at the Woodworking Machinery Supply Expo in Toronto. I also had a booth at their trade show. It was TONS of FUN! This is just one of the many ways in which I execute Strategy #7:
Love what you do. Do what you love.
Following the trade show I was diligent in reconnecting with everyone, as any diligent entrepreneur would be in an effort to serve others.
After all, that's the #1 reason we are in business, right? To serve others.
In fact, one person in one of the seminars responded to that statement with:
Actually, we're in business to make money! ... to which I responded:
If you are only in business to make money, your business will not last long and you will struggle throughout its years. Making money (and HEAPS of it!!) quickly & almost effortlessly is a result of serving others ... in a BIG way.
As I followed up with the hundred+ people with whom I connected at the trade show last week, most of them were able to clearly articulate what the best things were that they got out of the trade show and all of the many seminars.
Unfortunately, fewer than 1% (yes, 1 - without any 0s) of these fine folks had yet to take a step towards implementing those "best" ideas into their businesses.
This takes me back to a newsletter I distributed first in March of 2005 and then again in March of 2008 when the topic became a hot one yet again. So, rather than re-invent the wheel, if you'd like to learn how to receive the biggest ROI (Return On Investment) on your next off-site training or Trade Show then simply click here.
How many times have you gone to a conference or some training and learned a ton of valuable stuff that you just knew would be incredibly useful in your business?
Then what happened when you got back to your routine at work and in life? Mind if I give you a bit of a play-by-play replay?
In response to your spouse asking how the conference was, you were really excited and eager to share the excitement you were feeling. You even had a clear vision of how these valuable nuggets were going to enhance your business, decrease your workload, increase your productivity (or whatever the conference was offering). You heard so many wonderful pieces of advice and case studies that were speaking right to you.
On your way to work the next day you still felt the enthusiasm and you planned how you would implement some of the immediate changes and how you would deal with implementing the others over a longer term.
Then you arrived.
You immediately got bombarded with all those messages -- telephone, e-mail and postal mail (ok, not so many of these :) )-- that had piled up while you were away.
The people in charge were quick to come to you with the problems they had encountered during your absence and then you found yourself putting out fires.
The conference material either didn't even make it out of your briefcase or if it did it just got placed on a corner of your desk. You would get to it later. These issues were far more urgent!
Someone at your workplace, that first day back, asks you how the conference was and you fill them in on how exciting it was and how much valuable information you acquired. Now, after a morning like you've just been through, while you're filling this person in, you no longer feel the enthusiasm you did just a few hours ago.
You briefly consider spending some time on the stack of documentation and notes from the conference. "That's ok," you tell yourself. "I'll get to it tomorrow."
In this case, tomorrow does come and you see the stack of documentation on the corner of your desk. "Yes, I'll get to it, but this task needs to be done first."
Ok, so now we're at the end of the week and I ask you:
What, exactly, have you implemented thus far of those valuable nuggets with which you came back from the conference?
Well, whatever you've put into place by the 5th day is about all that ever will get implemented ... until the next time you go to the same conference, at which time you will find the information less exciting because you will have that haunting feeling of failure with you, knowing that you had every intention in the world to change your business with what you learned last time, but didn't.
So was it that the conference material didn't apply to your business the way you thought it did initially? Not likely.
Was it that the conference material was too difficult to implement? Not likely.
Or was it, maybe, that the conference didn't provide you with clear enough strategies to follow to be able to implement the changes? Not likely.
The fact is that it's very difficult to add something new into an already jam-packed business day or a jam-packed life. It's difficult to add something new into any schedule without making room for it. We need to plan the time to plan in order to make changes. The opportunities to implement change just don't present themselves. Nor do the changes just happen, as you are well aware. It is up to us to make those changes happen.
This means that we need to actually schedule into our agendas the time we are going to allow ourselves to work on planning out the changes. Then we need to schedule into our agendas the time we are going to work at implementing the changes -- little by little. If we don't plan our time to plan, no changes of any value will ever happen.
So when is your next conference scheduled for? I suggest that before you even leave your office to attend the conference you set aside at least one hour twice each week for at least the first three weeks following the conference to allow yourself time to plan the changes and to start implementing them. After all, conferences are quite an investment with the cost, the meals, and the travel and lodging expense.
So, ENJOY your next conference ... and all the benefits resulting from it, such as the time away to rejuvenate yourself and the value it adds to the way you do business, as well!!!
Promising you, too,
RETIREMENT ... on your terms!
'Cause that's what it's all about.
I'm frickin' FED UP!!!
I just heard the horrible news that yet another small business owner has had a heart attack at much too young an age for one to imagine this person having a heart attack.
A few months ago I learned of a horrible situation where a small business owner was struggling for way too long ... and he just got tired of struggling and decided he wasn't going to struggle anymore ... and he ended his life.
Both of these situations came about simply because
to stay SMALL
Why are you struggling?
To stay small - that's why. And, yes you'll argue this point when you read it, but that is the ONLY reason we struggle ... in anything, WE ... and OUR BUSINESSES ... are subject to the principles of the Universe. One such principle, or law, is
The Universal Law of Expansion.
Every organism on this planet is subject to every one of the Universal principles or laws ... including The Universal Law of Expansion.
Do you see trees getting all upset about having to grow? Worrying about whether they should push out this leaf for fear it may get blown off? Growing this new branch, for fear it may get knocked off somehow?
Yet we, as small business owners, FEAR every step of growth. Go ahead. Reply to me and tell me you don't. I'll help you unveil the truth of how you do. I still do and I, of all people, know better. And that's precisely why I constantly have the support of others to
I want to help you, and your family and all the families in and through your business avoid the horrible situations as I spelled out above ... even the simple situations that we create simply to slow us down -
like seriously damaging a limb of your own body!
I know. I've been there. I didn't let the head-injury-induced coma stop me, but I sure as heck did let it slow me down. Lisa, click here for more, didn't let her breast cancer or her husband's heart attack soon thereafter stop her, either, and, in fact, she claims it woke her up and spurred her on.
Dis-ease is a result of STRUGGLE. We only EVER struggle because we're trying to STOP our own GROWTH.
If you're within driving distance of Oakville, join me from 9-11 on Wednesday, October 26th where I'll be helping the people in the room overcome their TOP 3 CHALLENGES. Click here for details.
If you're not, click here to request a quick & simple Business Analysis Consultation right now and we'll unveil the truth of how simple it will be for you to release your struggles so that YOU and YOUR BUSINESS can grow . Click here for more details.
Know what happens to a tree that stops growing leaves & branches?
It dies.
Promising you, too,
RETIREMENT ... on your terms!
'Cause that's what it's all about.
Where's Lynne
October 26, 2011 - Top Challenges of Contractors as Business Owners
Oakville, Ontario
October 27-29, 2011 - WMS - Canada's Largest Woodworking Event
Toronto, Ontario
November 25, 2011 -
Ottawa, Ontario
December 2, 2011
January 2012 - Trade-Contractors' Business College
Western Canada (location TBA)
February 21, 2012
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