My day started with a client who didn't call at the scheduled time. This happens from time-to-time for all of us. In fact, I remember just a few months ago that I didn't remember an appointment I had for myself until on the drive home. I hadn't booked anything to conflict with the appointment, it just totally slipped my mind.
We do this in order to sabotage ourselves. As painful as it was for me this morning, I had to, yet again, do some training on that with my client. I don't always enjoy being tough like this, but people work with me because they want better results, and they'll never get them if they continue doing things the way they do things.
It's important for us to know that EVERYTHING that comes our way is ALL THANKS to ourselves. We are responsible for EVERYTHING in our lives! Everything ... the good, the bad and the ugly. Your story-telling is for your own sake. You make excuses, explain it away, ration-a-lize to the listener ... only in the hopes that the listener will let you down off the hook. Any good listener would understand you're only telling stories ... for your own benefit.
So the next time you find yourself experiencing something that's undesirable to you, simply ask yourself: How is this serving me? It is serving you, and you need to know how. Once you identify that you're very likely to put a system in place to avoid "enjoying" that result again.
Enjoy every result that comes your way. After all, it's from you ... and it's there for a reason. I know this so well, and talk about it with such certainty, because not only have I seen it time and time and time again over the years of my life, but I continue to. As my mentor explained just a couple of weeks ago ... the bigger the challenge the bigger the solution that you're about to truly enjoy!
So, I'm not suggesting you go out looking for really big challenges, but, then ... why wouldn't you?