Providing tips to help you more easily STRENGTHEN, IMPROVE and/or GROW your BUSINESS.
"What I learned in more than 20 years of managerial training at Avon in Montreal, Lynne covered in one day with these strategies she teaches. I was absolutely amazed!" - Tom Robertson
Your Company's Growth
Is your company like a child, a teenager or an adult?
As a business coach, I work with business owners and managers who want to have happier, healthier businesses that run smoothly even when you aren't there running the whole show.
Business owners envision certain lifestyles that they'll get from all the hassles of being an entrepreneur. I work with business owners to help them reconnect with why they ever got into business for themselves in the first place. I help them reconnect with their passion ... so they never work another day in their lives -- they get back to LOVING what they do by DOING what they love.
My clients' benefits are:
- more time to get things done thanks to the great systems they create and implement
- tons more fun by sticking to what they enjoy best ... and hiring out the rest!
- significantly increased net worth by having more time to work on improving and growing the business
- an enjoyable life outside of the business, feeling less guilt while being away, knowing your support team is operating like a champion.
They've outgrown childhood ... the beginning years where the founder of the company could do it all by him/herself.
They're not yet into adulthood, though, where the child has matured and feels totally confident with the wisdom you've acquired throughout your childhood and teenage-hood. The teacher likely lacks confidence in successfully passing on to your employees the knowledge they require to perform the daily operations without your needing to be so "hands-on". It boils down to lack of trust that there won't be huge problems.
So, how would you describe your company? If you are like the vast majority of companies out there, and find yourself more like a teenager, you can first congratulate yourself. Your company is still alive. The percentage of companies that do survive infancy and then "childhood" is extremely low. So, first give yourself a pat on the back. However, is this how hard you want to work for another number of years until retirement? Let's continue with the analogy:
Who has control over a child? The adults, of course. You, the founder of the company. It's a one-man band, maybe with one helper. You're busy, so you get someone in to help you, but you're still doing all the day-to-day work ... always hoping to steal some moments to get caught up with the paperwork. "It's all good," you tell yourself, "because the company is totally under (my) control."
Teenaged companies go through the same thing. The adult parent - you, the company owner - want things to run smoothly. After all, the company's no longer a child. It can do some things on its own, now. This is true, but while one day it needs more attention than you have to give it - wishing it were a child, still - the next day the company has so much business that try as it might to behave like an adult it just isn't capable of doing that, yet. It doesn't yet have the systems in place to be an adult.
So, who has control over teenagers? No one. Not even the teenagers themselves. They go through constant change, day-by-day. They haven't yet developed the ability to plan ... to really plan. Their future isn't much more than a few days, if not only a few hours, away. They "fly by the seat of their pants" and spend a lot of time "putting out fires."
Here's a powerful question you need to ask yourself:
If my company is a teenager, for how much longer can I continue like this ... wishing and hoping for the company to be able to sustain itself?
Let's look at the options:

Do I downsize to be a child again?
Or do I take that leap of faith and develop into an adult company? (Remember, adulthood is not merely a question of age. I'm sure you know people who are old enough to be adults, yet still behave as teenagers.)
Discussing this issue with a client the other day, she said "You're talking about us. Everyone who asks me about getting into this business, I tell them it's a good business, but be sure you stay small." This is a typical response of someone stuck & struggling in teenage-hood.
Law of Expansion.
Your business, too, like every organism in the universe, is either GROWING ... or, sadly, it's dying.
If you make no conscious changes to your business operations, where will you be 7 years from now?
If, on the other hand, you were to make one small change every week during the next 7 years, where could you be in 7 years' time?
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You may find this peculiar, but there are more people AFRAID of being successful than there are those who have the courage to DARE to make changes, in the hopes of being successful. Few of us even know what courage even is: It's simply FAITH in oneself. How much faith do you have in yourself?
You CAN design the perfect business;
You CAN have ... BOTH.
& Testimonials: on our website.
I recommend you start with a NO-OBLIGATION Business Analysis Consultation. I guarantee you will receive 3 "simple" recommendations for moving forward ... and not necessarily with my services.
The regular investment is $397 (at certain periods of the year, I offer it at $197.00) and as my gift to you for following along this far through this e-mail J, I'm offering it to you RIGHT NOW for $147 (+ applicable taxes). Should you decide to step up and step into any of my programs, ranging from $1,477 to $50,000 you'll be credited 100% of your investment in the Business Analysis Consultation.
If you decide not to move forward with training and/or coaching support ... you'll still receive 3 simple recommendations. When acted upon, they'll knock your socks off ... with the ROI (Return on Investment) you'll receive on your investment in the Business Analysis Consultation ... so quickly and so easily!