The Value to your customers of YOUR Membership in Associations: Outgoing and Incoming at the Kingston Home Builders Association President's Ball

It was a very unexpected pleasure to receive the Kingston Home Builders Association "Member of the Year" award a full year ago. It's been my pleasure to serve on the Home & Renos Show committee as well as to introduce new members to the great work and community of KHBA.

And on Friday evening, October 15th, 2010, it was my pleasure to see the award I carry so proudly go to another very deserving member of KHBA, Mark Fox, of Terra Nova Truss

Kingston Home Builders Association was extremely well served this past year with Gord McCrady, of Direct Energy, in the President's chair. Thanks, Gord. It has been a great pleasure to serve on the Home & Renos Show committee under your lead over these past 4 shows.

We have every reason to believe that Ken Dancer of Caraco Homes will continue to lead KHBA extremely well in his mission to keep quality housing in Kingston affordable for young families, encouraging non-natives, like him and his wife, to move to Kingston to grow their family. I wish you great success in all of your endeavours, Ken.

Just the other day I was speaking to a past client whose brother-in-law is a relatively new trade-contractor. My advice to her, for her brother-in-law, is to join an Association. Some of the obvious benefits are not so obvious to everyone, but one of the biggest benefits is that your Association spends time you simply don't have to lobby the government, be it at the Municipal, Provincial or Federal level ... and often all 3.

Do all of your customers and prospective customers know of your affiliation with the Associations of which you're a member?

Promising you, too,
RETIREMENT ... on your terms!

'Cause that's what it's all about.

Impressed Clients

We were having a difficult time implementing a new program, and coming together as a team when we found Lynne Jacob and MLJ Coaching services.
MLJ Coaching provided all of our staff members the opportunity to voice their opinions on the new program in a non-threatening environment, and brought to the management's attention what the staff required to successfully come together as a team in order to take the business to the next level. Since our initial coaching sessions with Lynne, we have strengthened as a team, started to successfully implement our new program, and are busier than ever!
We look forward to continued success and will definitely utilize MLJ Coaching services in the future.

Bob McMullen
Haven Home ClimateCare

A proud member of the Kingston Home Builders Association

Register For Our Live Event in Hamilton, Ontario!!!



facilitated by Lynne Jacob

Hamilton November 24th
Hamilton House of Construction
370 York Blvd.
Hamilton ON L8E 1A1

12:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Are you tired of juggling?
  • Your time to get projects done
  • while getting more lined up
  • in order to keep your team busy?
  • Battling with cash flow?
  • Struggling with employees?
  • Jumping through customers’ hoops?
  • Too little time for family …
  • let alone FUN TIME for yourself?

Would you like to learn how to
  • Get the jobs you want?
  • Double, even triple, your sales?
  • Create a SOLID profit margin … to weather every economic climate?
  • Regain the “passion” for your business?
  • Develop a championship support team?
  • Increase your FUN FACTOR?
  • Practice for retirement now, while you’re still young enough & healthy enough to enjoy it?

GUARANTEED to help you create
  • TONS MORE FUN (say, triple your current vacations)
  • RETIREMENT … on your terms!

(like Wayne, Randy & Pearl, Gene & Darlene, Sylvio & Josée, Lionel & Chantel, Gary, Denis, Aldéo, Jim, Rick, David, Janice, Ginette, Joseph, and hundreds of others)
and on the steps you need to take to get you there!

The VERY thing you WANT is right THERE for you!!

When it comes to investing in ourselves most of us just CAN'T do it. It is time for that to STOP!!

We need to STEP UP to the plate and MAKE an investment in ourselves and in our businesses RIGHT NOW. You will be AMAZED at where you'll be this time next year!

The VERY thing you WANT is right THERE!!

If you want:
  • better results in your business
  • to get the FUN BACK in your business by:
    • living your retirement now
    • taking 4 vacations in the next 12 months, while watching TRIPLE last year's PROFITS flow in the back door


Do you feel that what you need is MORE TIME? Click here for the solution!

Not sure how Lynne could help you and your business?
Try the Business Analysis Consultation and you will walk away with at least 3 recommendations for getting better results ... immediately! (And not necessarily with the support of our services.)

Promising you, too,
RETIREMENT ... on your terms!

'Cause that's what it's all about.

Do you find your Contracting Business Overwhelming?


Like a lot of contractors, Gene & Darlene of Parallel Electric were swamped.

And it wasn't pretty.

Too many jobs that were costing them money. They had good workers, but jobs were dragging on ... and on. Long days. And a sense that their business was careening out of control.

To top it off, neither of them was having any fun.

They both knew the time had finally come to do something they had resisted in the past - seek outside help.

Gene was very skeptical. After all, he thought, could an outsider really make a difference?

They didn't know about Lynne Jacob's successful track record of putting huge smiles on the faces of contractors who were finding themselves totally overwhelmed by the challenges of running a successful contractor business.

Today, both are glad they took the first step and sorry they didn't do it earlier.

  • ;">"The Company has never run so smoothly. After only 4 months our project profits are higher than last year's."
  • "Lynne has given me a lot of clarity on moving forward with this big step that will definitely grow the business. I haven't had FUN in a long time and now with a taste of 4-day weeks I don't want to give them up."
  • "Right now I'm the happiest I ever have been running my own business."

How about you? Could you use a lot less frustration and stress in your Contracting Business?

Promising you, too,
RETIREMENT ... on your terms!

'Cause that's what it's all about.

YOU are Your Business!! Have an IMPACT!


I know, I know. I risk ticking you off by sending you so much information these days, but get a load o' this!!! These opportunities are coming so quickly these days, and since I made a commitment to myself to say "YES" to every opportunity I come across, I feel it's my duty to inform you of the opportunities that will serve you, too.

I'm very excited because my friend and colleague, Patty Malek is hosting a FREE Tele-seminar, Get Your Business Mojo On, Nov 3 to Nov 18. I will be one of the guest speakers and I really want to encourage you to sign up for the amazing lineup of guests:

David Neagle
Suzanne Evans
Pamela Bruner
ME (Lynne Jacob) -- November 10 at 8:00pm EST
Ellen Violette
Nancy Fox
Maggie Ostara
Garrett Lambert
Derek Rydall

In a hurry? Click here!!

Want to learn how to:

  • Consistently Create High Six and Seven Figure Sales with Compassion, Care and Confidence
  • Stop Selling and Start Sharing
  • Make Quantum Leaps in Sales by Embracing the Universal Laws that Govern Rapid Manifestation
  • GET the FUN BACKin Your Business and yourLIFEoutside the business
  • Turn A Single eBook Into a 6-Figure Income
  • Attract Ideal Top Tier Clients
  • Access the Hidden Power of Marketing Archetypes


Plus amazing bonuses

JOIN ME on the calls ... starting tonight!

Promising you, too,
RETIREMENT ... on your terms!

'Cause that's what it's all about.